Monday, May 10, 2010

Winston the Fierce

So I have a cow story. And no, it isn't bullshit. Har-de-har-har. One night, we laughed and laughed because Jessica came home one night and ran in the house exclaiming "There's a COW outside!!!" And sure enough, there WAS! Three of them in fact.

Fast forward to several days later, and I saw the cows directly across the street from us. So I took the dogs out to meet the mooing critters. Drambuie did some nose to snout introductions and neither animal thought much about the other but then Winston came onto the scene. The cow took one look at Winston and snorted sending cow snot flying everywhere and took off at a very brisk walk (in cow speak anyway) up the street heading back to her home (notice I said "her?" I may be a city girl but I do know the difference between a girl cow and a boy cow [thigh slap--get it? BOY COW?]).

Well, Winston apparently thought his stuff didn't stink, if you know what I mean, and he puffed out his big ol' Bulldog chest and went off (at a brisk BULLDOG walk) chasing the cow. We called him back, several times, and when he finally decided to return, he had a proud look in his eye and a little pep in his walk, or as peppy as a Bulldog can be.

This, for all you doubting Thomas' out there, is NORMAL for a bulldog. How do you think a Bulldog got his name? He actually used to fight bulls. Yes he did. Winston didn't. The biggest thing Winston has ever taken on would be um...well, perhaps Drambuie in between fierce bouts of sniffing flowers? But it's in his blood.

So we all went to bed knowing that should a cow ever decide a home invasion robbery at our house? We will be well protected with our little man Winson!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Women in General

Okay, I'm a woman. I believe in the power of the sisterhood and all that. But on the other hand, I have to say that women can be the coldest, bitchiest things EVER. I'm sitting here at a scrapbook weekend helping out my friend Dawn. First of all, should you be one of the women reading this thinking I'm talking about you? I'm not. Trust me. I'm talking about the other women. (That's called CMA.) So anyway, these women don't like plastic utensils and don't like the music and don't like the air conditioner and don't like the deserts and don't like the location and on and on. I've kept myself out of the mainstream because I felt like everything I said was a downer and I didn't want to bring other people down. I think sometimes you should do that. Some of these gals should take a lesson in that.

So this week, I will enjoy getting my life back to normal. I'm going to start running/walking tomorrow. Gonna try to start eating healthier and try to get my life back together. I honestly can hear Shirley in my head telling me to do exactly that. I know she'd be happy to know that I'm having such a hard time getting over her death...really, she would. Because she really did like that attention. But it's time now and she would say the same thing. So I'm listening.

One of the first things I want to work on is the garage. I really need to get in there and clean up the mess that has been created in there. I need to buy some bins and go through boxes and then either donate stuff or sell it in a garage sale. I need to do it. So that's my first *goal.* Stand by, we'll see how that goes.

This is inter-National (spelled and capitalized just like that) Scrapbook weekend. I remember when there was no such thing! And now, I believe that I'm sitting here watching the craft disappear as well. (I just realized I misplaced $10 somewhere around here and I have no clue where.)

Also, this is May 2nd. May already?!??!?!?!? YIKES!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I think I'm a Gleek

Another television post here but, hang on to your hats folks, this one is not a reality show. I keep hearing about Glee and I've heard and enjoyed some of the music coming from the program, but I haven't watched it. Until tonight. It was a sort of tribute to Madonna music. I don't know if all of their shows are as funny and entertaining as this one was but seriously, I haven't enjoyed a television show that much in a long time.

So I think that I will be a Gleek from now on.

A week from today is Shirley's memorial and I am starting to wig out. I have to finish writing her eulogy, what will I wear? I have to get the house cleaned and ready for company, I have to get the guest room cleaned and ready for company and I have to make a gazillion phone calls to Shirley's friends. I have to coordinate dinners and potlucks and I have a lot of chit to get together.

It's 1:30am right now...bedtime???

Friday, April 16, 2010

True Blood

One of my favorite book series is the Sookie Stackhouse series. It's like white trash vampire romance/mystery/comedy all rolled into one. The HBO series, though not quite as good as the books (is anything as good as books?), is another one of my favorite tv shows. I bring this up because out of nowhere today, I starting jonesing for another episode of True Blood. So much so that I just got off of the HBO site to see when Season 3 starts. June 13. ARGH. So close and yet so far away.

But, while I was there, I saw that one of my favorite movies, Casino, is on tonight. Since it's a Friday night and nothing is on tv, I can either read, work on Shirley's eulogy, or watch Casino. I think tonight, I'm gonna watch Casino. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

American Idol Love

If you know me, you know that I am a huge reality show television fan and one of my favorites in this genre is American Idol. This season has not been my favorite so far...nothing has reached out and grabbed me. Until last night. I LOVED almost everyone. Lee was my favorite, followed by Crystal and big Mike. They were all just excellent. I think it might have been because it was Elvis week and who doesn't love Elvis?

Next week is "Inspirational Week." Don't get me wrong--I actually really enjoy good Gospel music, but I'm afraid that they can get corny and sappy and it will be boring. So that's my dreaded prediction. I hope I am wrong. We'll see next week.

Tomorrow though is Survivor!!! That Russell, say what you want to say about him, but he is SMART. He knows how to play people. He is truly the master manipulator.

See? I LOVE reality tv!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I've been wearing a lot of my mother's rings. They remind me of her so in a way, it's a comfort thing. Is that a weird thing to feel? I mean it's a ring. But then again, a lot of people pass down family rings to their kids. I've told Shaun he can have my wedding ring to give to his wife. That would make me happy. It would always be "this was Shaun's mom's ring." I would always be there. Or at least as long as he was married. But then I worry because what if his bride ended up his ex! Would she keep the ring or have the decency to give it back? You never know do you? So what do you do? Do you take the leap of faith? And, does any mom really feel certain about her daughter in law? I want a daughter in law I can love and do things with and just enjoy. But I digress.

Back on the I've been wearing my Mom's rings. She had this plain silver band and it has the words "Harley Davidson" handwritten on it. Don't ask and I won't tell. ANYWAY, I hated this ring when she wore it. It was just a silver band and I hated it. Now, now I LOVE it. I look at it and immediately think of my Mom and I feel closer to her. I've found that I wear it almost every day.

Weird. Life is weird. Who would have EVER thought that one of the most loved things that my mother left behind was a silly silver band? Weird.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oh My Goodness...

Every once in a while, something happens on the internet that makes me change the buttons on my toolbar and today, something happened. And this ain't no April Fool's joke either (but more on that later). That something is a new internet site called Vanilla Bees. Isn't that the cutest name? It's a site for digital scrapping and photography and books and gardening and entertainment and just about everything that I'm interested in. There are all sorts of contests going on right now. In fact, just by typing up this post and providing a link, I'm entering myself into a contest to win a gift card from My 4 Hens Photography. There are actions there that I would LOVE, LOVE to have! If I were lucky enough to win them??? I can't dare to hope can I? Someone has to win though right???

I'll be back later with s'more April 1st stuff.