Monday, May 10, 2010

Winston the Fierce

So I have a cow story. And no, it isn't bullshit. Har-de-har-har. One night, we laughed and laughed because Jessica came home one night and ran in the house exclaiming "There's a COW outside!!!" And sure enough, there WAS! Three of them in fact.

Fast forward to several days later, and I saw the cows directly across the street from us. So I took the dogs out to meet the mooing critters. Drambuie did some nose to snout introductions and neither animal thought much about the other but then Winston came onto the scene. The cow took one look at Winston and snorted sending cow snot flying everywhere and took off at a very brisk walk (in cow speak anyway) up the street heading back to her home (notice I said "her?" I may be a city girl but I do know the difference between a girl cow and a boy cow [thigh slap--get it? BOY COW?]).

Well, Winston apparently thought his stuff didn't stink, if you know what I mean, and he puffed out his big ol' Bulldog chest and went off (at a brisk BULLDOG walk) chasing the cow. We called him back, several times, and when he finally decided to return, he had a proud look in his eye and a little pep in his walk, or as peppy as a Bulldog can be.

This, for all you doubting Thomas' out there, is NORMAL for a bulldog. How do you think a Bulldog got his name? He actually used to fight bulls. Yes he did. Winston didn't. The biggest thing Winston has ever taken on would be um...well, perhaps Drambuie in between fierce bouts of sniffing flowers? But it's in his blood.

So we all went to bed knowing that should a cow ever decide a home invasion robbery at our house? We will be well protected with our little man Winson!

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